CognoMemory, originally known as CognoSpeak™, has been renamed as the range of tools has expanded to cover a broader range of needs and patient groups. It is a digital tool designed to assess memory, language, and other cognitive abilities. Drawing on proven clinical methods, CognoMemory provides an efficient and accessible way to evaluate cognitive function, helping healthcare professionals identify changes in memory and thinking skills. This tool offers valuable insights that can guide personalised care and intervention plans for individuals experiencing cognitive decline.
How it works?
The early detection of memory problems is important for patient care and wellbeing. However, memory clinics are currently oversubscribed with the number of referrals having increased almost 7-fold from 2009 to 2014. The tool could mean memory assessment clinics can see more people, more quickly, reducing delays. It may also allow some people with cognitive complaints not due to diseases like Alzheimer’s to be reassured more quickly and provided with appropriate advice and support.

Record conversation with
CognoMemory virtual agent
Speech is analysed for patterns
Clinicians receive a report
Current pathway

Very busy + Simple tools
Current diagnostic pathways are under extreme pressure.
Future pathway

Same day
Very busy + Simple tools
CognoMemory assessment
CognoMemory prioritises those
who need to see a specialist
CognoMemory will save money and free up clinician time

Meet our team

Prof Heidi Christensen
Co-PI and Technical lead. Professor in the Department of Computer Science in the Speech and Hearing Group at the University of Sheffield. Heidi has been working at the leading edge of speech technology research for 20 years and has made internationally recognised contributions in the field of speech technology for healthcare.

Dr Dan Blackburn
Co-PI & Clinical lead. Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield and Honorary Consultant Neurologist. Dan’s research interests are into developing non-invasive scalable diagnostic tests for early dementia or cognitive impairment. Dan will oversee recruitment, diagnoses and overall project management including continued strong engagement with ethnic minority groups.

Dr Jon Dickson
Academic GP; Clinical Research Network lead for primary care in South Yorkshire and will help with opening GP sites and patient recruitment.

Dr Nick Hex
Health Economist. Experienced staff from York Health Economic Consortium will provide health economics and outcomes research.

Ismail Yussuf
Experienced financial manager from ISRAAC. He will support recruiting from ISRAAC community group & supervision of Research Champions.

Swapnil Gadgil
Co-founder of Therapy Box. Swapnil will lead the work on commercialisation and general software development including Memory Assessment Pathway integration infrastructure.

Rebecca Bright
Co-founder of Therapy Box. Rebecca will lead the work on seeking regulatory approval and user experience for the software development team.

Dr Sam Creavin
Academic GP with expertise and interest in memory assessment and stratification and diagnosis of dementia in primary care.

Lise Sproson
She is an experienced Public Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) researcher and will be coordinating all PPIE activity and links with ethnic minority groups and user evaluation stakeholders.

Prof Adewale Adebajo
Clinical PPI lead for South Yorkshire CRN and Advisor to NIHR INVOLVE. He has an outstanding record of improving engagement for BAME communities. He advised on the NIHR INVOLVE paper on Strategies for diversity and inclusion in public involvement.

Dr Aparna Mordekar
The lead Old Age Psychiatrist and experienced in diagnosing, assessing and treating people with cognitive impairment and dementia.She will identify participants from the Old Age Psychiatry clinic.

Prof M Reuber
Professor of Neurology. He is experienced in developing clinical diagnostic aids based on patient-doctor interactions.

Dr Susan Smith
Senior University of Sheffield commercial manager will lead on the business model.

Sabiniano Roman
Translational Research Project Manager, provides project oversight and monitors milestone progression.

Dorota Braun
Research Assistant. Helps with participant recruitment and public and patient involvement.

Annalena Venneri
Annalena Venneri Co-PI is Professor at Brunel University London and Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist at Central and North West London NHS Trust. She has expertise in early and differential diagnosis of cognitive decline using linguistic and semantic features

Caitlin Illingworth
CognoSpeak Research Assistant

Fuxiang Tao
Research Associate
Vishal Sable
Project co-ordinator. Helps with digital project management and coordination.

Bahman Mirheidari
Research Associate

Sue Smith
Need to add bio

Andrew Keys
Andrew is a skilled software developer. They played a key role in coding and implementing crucial features for CognoMemory